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Diversity Profile

Commitment to Diversity: 

The University of the Pacific community - including students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni - believes that diversity and inclusion are essential to the fulfillment of our institutional mission. We value inclusiveness in learning, curricular and co-curricular programming, campus climate, recruitment, admissions, hiring and retention.

We remain deeply committed to promoting and maintaining a civil community that facilitates opportunities for shared understanding and expression of individual and collective truths. Moreover, we resolve to maintain a community that is respectful of all persons despite differences in age, citizenship, disability, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, geographic origin, language, marital status, nationality, philosophical beliefs, race, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

We are committed to all members of the Pacific community becoming competent and ethical citizen leaders able to interact effectively and ethically in an increasingly multicultural society and global economy. This transformative process is accomplished through our distinctive integration of liberal arts and professional education promoting innovation, open discourse and dialogue, leadership development, experiential learning and self-reflection.

Diversity Resources: 

Pacific Diversity Programs

University Pipeline Programs

Multicultural Affairs

Multicultural Affairs is dedicated to the creation and sustainability of a culturally inclusive community across and within the boundaries of culture, sexual orientation, gender, and other social identities. In service to and in partnership with students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other friends, Multicultural Affairs offers programs, services, and sponsorships such as cultural heritage month observances, diversity leadership retreats, and intercultural trainings that meet the educational and cultural needs of all members of the Pacific community.

Religious and Spiritual Life

Our goal in the department of Religious and Spiritual Life is to facilitate religious life in all its many forms and to provide a safe place for students and other members of our community to ask questions about meaning and purpose in life, often in relation to a supreme being, the world, and others around you. We also hope to encourage all people, whether religious or spiritual, of faith or no faith, to think intelligently about religion and how it affects society, and to promote healthy dialogue between people of all religious positions. Please take a look at our pages to get a sense of what we are up to and how you might fit in.

Women's Resource Center

The purpose of the center is to promote awareness of women's and gender issues and celebrate and cultivate women's leadership on campus and beyond. The Women's Resource Center is used for meetings and events, and serves as a resource for gender equality and campus violence prevention.

PRIDE Resource Center

The Pacific PRIDE Resource Center provides resources for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGTBQIA) community, friends, and family at Pacific.

The PRIDE Resource Center welcomes a diverse population of ethnic, religious, political and cultural values while promoting understanding and acceptance for those marginalized as a result of sexual/gender orientation.The PRIDE Resource Center supports a campus environment that is free from prejudice, harassment, and violence towards affiliated individuals and organizations. We provide educational programming, social activities, and advocacy with the goal of enhancing safety, tolerance and quality of life within the Pacific community.

Latino/a Community Outreach

The Latino/a Community Outreach Center is an outgrowth of Pacific, commitment to international education and cross cultural understanding. For the past 4 years, the Latino/a Outreach Program has continued to extend their outreach and contacts.Specific components include a bilingual living/ learning residential halls that opened in 2008, a cross cultural certificate program for the professions, an innovative Hispanic outreach program to our local community and joint academic programs with universities in Latin America.

Pacific Diversity Programs


Organizations/clubs/social networks: 

Multicultural Organizations

Student Organizations
  • Black Student Union
  • Hawaii Club
  • Hmong Student Association 
  • International Club
  • International Chinese Student Union
  • Japanese Culture Fans Association
  • Kilusan Philipino
  • Korean Students Association
  • South Asian Student Association
  • M.E.Ch.A
  • Vietnamese Student Association


Multicultural Greek Organizations


Other Clubs and Organizations

One of the ways to continually improve yourself is to participate in school activities and organizations. Clubs with their real-world, practical experiences are a great resource for experiences essential to a successful education: social development, leadership skills, professional contacts, opportunity to practice the classroom theory. These experiences, either as a participant or a leader, help you become a competent, mature, fully engaged and responsible citizen.



Stockton is a community rich in heritage and diversity.  Whether you live in Stockton or are visiting, there are always new things to experience and enjoy. To learn more about the Stockton Community, please visit here.

The University of the Pacific has three campuses across Northern California in Sacramento, San Francisco and Stockton. Pacific contributes significantly to these communities. University-related activities produce a significant economic impact. We also contribute through community engagement and by enhancing knowledge and educating the citizens who make up its workforce. Learn more about Community Impact here.

The Center for Community Involvement

The Center for Community Involvement is a student run center focusing on education, action,and service.  The programs offered by the Center allow University of the Pacific students to become more involved in their community.




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